Hi, I'm Miguel!

Business Analyst. Data Scientist. Medicare Specialist.

An experienced business professional with a love for solving conventional problems in unconventional ways. We can all achieve more by working together. One team, one dream.

Professional Background

My family has worked in the income tax industry for over 25 years. Growing up in the industry, client privacy and protection of personal information has been at the forefront of my career. When the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, new regulations caused an overlap between the tax and insurance industries.

To help my family, I sought out an insurance license and happened to fall into a new career. I first obtained my insurance license in 2013. As a Spanish speaking individual, I was afforded the opportunity to market and sell life, health, property, and casualty insurance products across all 50 states.

The Humble Growth Project

Humble UpGrowth

Humble UpGrowth is a collection of useful personal resources listed for everyday use. The philosophy is simple: Spread some love. Make the world a better place, one person at a time.

  • Free resources

  • Topics: Education, Fitness, Finance, Mental Health

  • Active use of Google Analytics for web traffic analysis

  • Our way of giving back to the community

  • www.humbleupgrowth.com

Humble Growth Partners

Humble Growth Partners is a collection of useful professional resources listed for everyday use. Resources include "no code" web development, resume building and project management templates for personal and business use.

  • Free resources

  • Topics: Getting Online, Web Development, Resume Building, Project Management

  • Our way of helping creative individuals pursue their professional endeavors

  • www.humblegrowthpartners.com

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